Renewable Energy Projects
Renewable Energy
Our Renewable Energy program focuses on all forms of renewable energy, including solar, wind, and waste-digesters. We produce legal and policy research and analysis on ways to eliminate barriers and promote renewable penetration. We engage state policy makers with advice based in analysis to produce real world results. On an international level, we are active in studying policy and project precedents to understand successful pathways.
International Renewable Energy Agency
Hydrokinetic Energy
Pace recently concluded a report on the legal and regulatory requirements for hydrokinetic facilities. We convened a workshop of prominent experts to inform state policy makers.
New York Solar Initiative
Pace plays a leadership role in informing the active solar effort in New York, consisting of a broad and diverse coalition of environmental groups, solar developers, labor groups, municipal governments, and businesses to establish a statutory solar mandate for the state. Work is ongoing to finish the job of adopting sound solar policy in New York by adopting needed long-term commitment to solar in the Empire State. The effort would make New York a national leader in the technology.