State Climate Action

Project Description
The Center’s experts have been closely involved with numerous state-level initiatives to design and implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from various sectors. Some current projects in this area include:
- North America 2050: A Partnership for Progress. Center experts serve as primary facilitators to the more than 20 states and four Canadian provinces that are looking for ways to stimulate the economy while reducing emissions. The Center is also the primary facilitator and advisor for the Power Sector Working Group of NA2050, whose focus is to help states prepare for impending federal standards covering existing power plants.
- The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Center experts have served as advisors to state decision makers. The Center also convened a group of electric generators, utilities and environmental groups in a Pace RGGI Dialogue to submit joint comments to the states on how to improve the RGGI program during its 2012 review
Project Details
Client State and Local Governments
Date 2012
Experts Thomas G. Bourgeois, Karl R. Rábago

North America 2050: A Partnership for Progress
Center experts serve as primary facilitators to the more than 20 states and four Canadian provinces that are looking for ways to stimulate the economy while reducing emissions. The Center is also the primary facilitator and advisor for the Power Sector Working Group of NA2050, whose focus is to help states prepare for impending federal standards covering existing power plants.
The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Center experts have served as advisors to state decision makers. The Center also convened a group of electric generators, utilities and environmental groups in a Pace RGGI Dialogue to submit joint comments to the states on how to improve the RGGI program during its 2012 review.