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Advancing Ideas through ActionRI Governor Raimondo signs solar legislation
On August 9, Governor Gina M. Raimondo signed legislation supporting the growth of clean energy in Rhode Island in front of a ground-mounted solar array at the Quonset Business Park. The signing ceremony followed the passage of several bills: Renewable...
Pace Energy and Climate Center 30th Anniversary
THE ELISABETH HAUB SCHOOL OF LAW CELEBRATES 30 YEARS OF CLEAN ENERGY WORK AT THE PACE ENERGY AND CLIMATE CENTER WHITE PLAINS, NY – Pace University’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law today celebrated 30 years of work at the Pace Energy and Climate Center (PECC). For three...
Sharing Resiliency Lessons From Japan on the Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy
Joseph O'Brien-Applegate, Energy Analyst Pace Energy & Climate Center Tom Bourgeois, Deputy Director Pace Energy & Climate Center As we mark the sixth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, its impact is still fresh in the mind of many in the Northeast. These memories are...
Understanding Energy: Electric company fixed fees
We have consistently fought efforts by utilities in NY to increase basic customer charges, which are among the worst/highest in the nation. And we have been winning! In early efforts we stopped increases; recently we have secured reductions in NY’s too high customer...
The Growing Middle-Class Solar Market
By Robert Habermann, Pace Energy and Climate Center 2017-2018 Equitable Access to Sustainable Energy Fellow The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (“LBNL”) recently released a report titled, Income Trends of Residential PV Adopters, that identifies a growing...
A Distributed Energy Amenable Grid
Pace strongly supports Puerto Rico’s integration of DER, renewable energy, and coordinated microgrids to utilize the natural resources of the island and manage an electrical grid to reliably supply the power needed.