Advancing Ideas through Action

The Pace Energy and Climate Center turns ideas into action. We believe thoughtful, principled engagement of government and key stakeholders leads to better public policy.

Advancing Ideas through Action

Our effectiveness stems from the way we engage in regulatory processes, like rate cases and policy proceedings; in work on the ground to advise and guide clean energy project developers; and in helping communities develop strategies to prosper and grow.

Our Work

Combined Heat and Power

We operate the Department of Energy Technical Assistance Partnership that does unbiased site analysis for CHP. We also work to educate installers, site owners, and legislators of the benefits of efficient, economic, reliable CHP.


Our solar energy work encompasses bringing together business associations across the northeast to set common state policy goals that forwards the integration of solar energy to the utility grid.

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

With support from the Energy Foundation and other Funders, the Pace Energy and Climate Center has been working on RGGI development, implementation, operations, and policy for several years, going back to RGGI’s inception.

Low and Moderate Income Energy Work

We work to bridge the gaps between electric utiltiy, grid modernization, and LMI communities to bring equality of access and reliability.

International Energy

Since the Center’s inception, it has had strong involvement in international energy issues, and in recent times, in climate change mitigation and adaption, focusing on energy-related climate change solutions.

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle sales are projected to increase steadily in the next decade. Our work focuses on accessibility and policy that takes advantage of beneficial grid attributes EVs have to offer.


The Growing Middle-Class Solar Market

By Robert Habermann, Pace Energy and Climate Center 2017-2018 Equitable Access to Sustainable Energy Fellow The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (“LBNL”) recently released a report titled, Income Trends of Residential PV Adopters, that identifies a growing...

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PECC panel: Carbon Taxes

PECC panel: Carbon Taxes

The idea of establishing a federal or state tax on carbon emissions is a concept gaining a lot of attention today. While everyone understands taxes, many don’t understand exactly how a tax on carbon would work, who would be impacted, and whether it would be effective...

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