New York Supreme Court Cites Center in in Ruling Against Clear-Cutting for Solar Project

New York Supreme Court Cites Center in in Ruling Against Clear-Cutting for Solar Project

The Pace Energy and Climate Center was cited by the New York Supreme Court of Westchester County in upholding the Town of Mount Pleasant Planning Board in denying approval of a solar project that would have clear-cut 26 acres of trees to build a solar PV array of the same size. Quoting Pace as a basis for the Planning Board’s decision, the court stated in CES Hawthorne Solar, LLC v. The Town of Mount Pleasant Planning Board (2022), “it is essential that local communities deploy clean energy in a manner that safeguards natural resources such as forests. While recognizing the importance of advancing solar in New York State, the Pace Energy and Climate Center does not recommend clearcutting healthy tree stands to clear land to install solar PV arrays. Trees are important for sequestering carbon, and also for protecting biodiversity, preventing heat island effects, and providing a healthy environment in urban and suburban areas. Biodiversity is especially difficult to quantify and track, cannot be directly valued against other metrics like carbon reductions, and, as a result, is chronically undervalued, contributing to ecosystem losses. Given that biodiversity is severely at risk and that many decades are required to fully replace all the environmental services provided by mature tree stands, tree removal should only be done sparingly.”

Westchester County Honors Pace Energy and Climate Center and Partner WCA with ECO Award

Westchester County Honors Pace Energy and Climate Center and Partner WCA with ECO Award

On Earth Day, the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University’s Energy and Climate Center and its partner the Westchester County Association (WCA), were honored for their work developing a Clean Energy Program Portal at the 3rd annual Westchester County ECO Awards. The portal is a dynamic, searchable guide which serves as a clearinghouse that enables businesses to easily find clean energy programs and incentives available in Westchester County and the surrounding region. The ECO award recognizes outstanding contributions to the environment and sustainability made by residents, students, schools, municipalities, businesses, and other organizations throughout the county. Read more:

Strengthening Small Farms and Their Communities Through Solar Farming

Strengthening Small Farms and Their Communities Through Solar Farming

The Pace Energy and Climate Center conducted a study in upstate New York showing how solar farming can have significant positive socio-economic benefits for local farming communities. The report estimates that a 350 MW solar farm generates between $177 million to $229 million in revenues. Other benefits for the local community include stabilizing family farms that provide the land, benefits to local businesses from additional household spending, municipal revenues, and job opportunities throughout the region.

Read the report:

RI Governor Raimondo signs solar legislation

RI Governor Raimondo signs solar legislation

On August 9, Governor Gina M. Raimondo signed legislation supporting the growth of clean energy in Rhode Island in front of a ground-mounted solar array at the Quonset Business Park.

The signing ceremony followed the passage of several bills:

Renewable Energy Growth Program (H-5273, S-112) – A 10-year extension of the renewable energy growth program, which enables customers to sell the electricity they generate back to the grid under long-term fixed prices.

Statewide Solar Permitting (H-5575, S-562) – Establishes a statewide solar permitting application to streamline the process for homeowners, businesses, property owners and solar developers who are looking to install solar systems in Rhode Island.

Renewable Energy Interconnection Standards (H-5483, S-637) – ** ** Streamlines the process of connecting renewable energy installations to the grid.

Renewable Energy/Farm Land Taxation (H-6095, S-570) – Allows farmers to install a renewable energy system on up to 20 percent of their total farm land acreage, thereby allowing farmers to support the state’s clean energy goals while preserving our limited agricultural space.

Virtual Net Metering Program Expansion (H-5618, S-1007) – Expands virtual net metering (a program which allows customers to install solar systems offsite) to private/public schools, non-profits, federal government and hospitals.